Class 9 | Chapter 13 | Surface areas and Volumes | Example 3

Example 3: Savitri had to make a model of a cylindrical kaleidoscope for her science project. She wanted to use chart paper to make the curved surface of the kaleidoscope. (see Fig 13.10). What would be the area of chart paper required by her, if she wanted to make a kaleidoscope of length 25 cm with a 3.5 cm radius?


A closed cylinder has 3 surfaces:

  • Curved or lateral surface 
  • Top 
  • Base

The formula to calculate the curved surface area and total surface area are quite simple to learn and derive.

Lateral or curved surface area of cylinder = 2πrh

r = radius, h = height (or length)

Total surface area of cylinder = 2πr ( r + h ) 

r = radius, h = height (or length)

It is recommended to understand the core concept of area, surface area and volume before we attempt any question based on these concepts.

Derivation of formula – Surface area of cylinder

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