Class 9 Chapter 11 | All Solutions | Surface Areas and Volumes

Class 9 | Full Chapter 13 | Surface Areas and Volumes | NCERT
This playlist consists of 101 questions, concepts, theorems and examples of class 9 chapter 13 (Surface Areas and Volumes) of class 9, NCERT textbook. Click a thumbnail to watch the tutorial.

Every video in this series has been thoroughly visualised 🔍  prior to preparing the corresponding tutorial. This chapter is always a trouble to some extent to students 👩‍🎓. The reason is more the lack of visualisation rather than the knowledge of the subject. Every shape that we refer in these questions is used in our daily life in the form of different utensils, sports objects or other household objects like: Circle, sphere, cone, cylinder , cuboid can be compared to Roti, Cricket ball, Ice Cream cone, a glass and a gift box  🎁  respectively.

In every question, real life objects are used to better explain the questions so that you can also visualise and not just solve a question momentarily. Primary focus is to help students understand the underlying concepts and not just go with RATTEBAJI.🥸  🥸  🥸

There has been a lot of efforts  🏋️‍♀️  🏋️‍♀️  🏋️‍♀️   put in all these videos (Class 9 Chapter 13) and it will be really great and helpful if you share these videos with your friends  👯‍♀️ 👯‍♀️ 👯‍♀️   and classmates. You can share through WhatsApp, SnapChat, Messenger etc. Click any of the following icons to share it now.

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Mathematics is like music - Enjoy it!!!