Class 9 | Chapter 13 | Surface areas and Volumes | Exercise 13.7 | Question 9

Question 9: A heap of wheat is in the form of a cone whose diameter is 10.5 m and height is 3 m. Find its volume. The heap is to be covered by canvas to protect it from rain. Find the area of the canvas required.

Cone – Volume

It is quite easy to remember the formula of a cone because it is exactly one-third of the volume of a cylinder with same base radius and height. Watch activity performed in the following video that will never let you forget the formula of volume of cone.

Volume of Cone = πr²h/3

Volume of Cone = 1/3 Volume of cylinder

r = base radius of cone, h = height of cone 

What is Area / Surface area / Volume

It is recommended to understand the core concept of area, surface area and volume before we attempt any question based on these concepts.

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