Class 9 | Chapter 13 | Surface areas and Volumes | Exercise 13.1 | Question 6

Question 6: A small indoor greenhouse (herbarium) is made entirely of glass panes (including base) held together with tape. It is 30 cm long, 25 cm wide and 25 cm high.

(i)  What is the area of the glass?

(ii)  How much of tape is needed for all the 12 edges?


Finding surface area of a cube or a cuboid is quite simple. Every cube/cuboid has 6 sides. All we need is find the area of all six sides and add – this will be the total surface area of the cube/cuboid.

A cube is a cuboid that has all edges of equal length. Hence, every cube is a cuboid as well but every cuboid is not a cube. 

It is recommended to understand the core concept of area, surface area and volume before we attempt any question based on these concepts.

Derivation of formula – Surface area of cube and cuboid

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