Activity 1: Draw a plan of the seating in your classroom, pushing all the desks together. Represent each desk by a square. In each square, write the name of the student occupying the desk, which the square represents. Position of each student in the classroom is described precisely by using two independent informations:
(i) the column in which she or he sits,
(ii) the row in which she or he sits.
Concept: In this video tutorial, you will learn about the basics of coordinate geometry. This is a must watch video tutorial for class 9 students. This video talks about the coordinate / cartesian plane in length with detailed examples. Different elements of coordinate plane like abscissa and ordinate are also explained with simple examples.
Chapter 3 – Coordinate Geometry
This playlist covers all the questions, concepts, theorems and examples of chapter 3 (Coordinate Geometry) of class 9, NCERT textbook. Click a thumbnail to watch the tutorial.