Number System Number System – Best explained with real life examplesDistributive property of multiplication over addition and subtractionAssociative property of addition and multiplication Closure propertyNatural NumbersWhole Numbers & IntegersRational NumbersAdditive Identity, Multiplicative identity, Additive inverse, ReciprocalCommutative law explained for basic arithmetic operationsRational NumbersFind a rational number between any two rational numbersRational numbers are infinitely manyMean method : Infinitely many rational numbers between any two rational numbersIntegersIntegers are infinitely many Polynomials Basics of polynomialsRemainder theoremFactor theoremFactorise – Splitting the middle termAlgebraic IdentitiesRational root theorem Important Concepts - Miscellaneous Derivation of Heron’s formula Surface area and Volumes Area / Surface area / Volume – IntroductionSurface Area of Cube and CuboidVolume Of Cuboid and CubeSurface Area of Right Circular CylinderVolume and capacity of CylinderRight circular ConeSurface Area of Right circular ConeVolume of Cylinder vs ConeLitres and Cubic centimetre (cm³)Cubic meters to litres