Class 11 – Video Tutorials on Mathematics

Here you will find the video tutorials for class 11 Mathematics.

Class 11 - Chapter 1 - Sets

This tutorial cover more than 50% percent of Sets, Chapter 1, of class 11 mathematics. The other half will be added once ready.

One-shot video

Class 11 - Chapter 2 - Relations (One-shot video)

This chapter has been split into 2 parts : 

  • Relations 
  • Functions

The reason is to cover this chapter in depth so that it should be helpful for students who are willing to appear in competitive exams as well. 

Below embedded is a one-shot YouTube video that covers the Relations section in detail. 

One-shot video

This is a one-shot video that covers the Functions section of chapter 2 (Relations and Functions)  of class 11 in detail.

One-shot video

Class 11 - Chapter 3 - Trigonometric Functions

Trigonometry of class 11 is a very long and important topic. This chapter has been covered in multiple videos and the playlist of the same has been embedded below.

2 thoughts on “Class 11 – Video Tutorials on Mathematics

    1. My approach is quite simple, read every word of the book that you are following. The video tutorials will help you get along quickly but the amount of knowledge available in books is unmatched. A timetable and a short-term and long-term plan are always helpful. You can use free software available for time management and tracking. Good luck with your studies. Cheers!!!

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